News (archive) News (archive) After the double… let’s go for the triple !!! 04/07/202204/07/2022 Verdi 0 Fire Department HVZ Fluvia chooses VERDI FIRE 25/04/202225/04/2022 Verdi 0 Fire Department HVZ Zone 1 chooses VERDI as a future alarm and dispatching solution. 31/03/202229/07/2022 Verdi 0 Fire departments VHP (Vesdre-Hoëgne & Plateau) and WAL (Warche-Amblève-Lienne) choose VERDI as their future interzonal alarming and dispatching solution. 26/11/202126/11/2021 Verdi 0 Fire Department Brabant-Wallon chooses VERDI-FIRE 16/03/202116/03/2021 Verdi 0 Firefighting zones of Flemish Brabant go for a PROVINCIAL Alarming and Dispatching, selecting VERDI-FIRE as their preferred solution 13/09/202019/09/2020 Verdi 0 Firefighting zone Wallonie Picarde chooses VERDI-FIRE 26/08/202019/09/2020 Verdi 0 VERDI-FIRE operational at Firefighting zone Val de Sambre 23/06/202019/09/2020 Verdi 0 Firefighting zone Val De Sambre chooses VERDI-FIRE 11/03/202019/09/2020 Verdi 0 Firefighting zone Hainaut Centre chooses VERDI-FIRE 11/03/202019/09/2020 Verdi 0 Verdi invests in Datacenter 22/07/201905/12/2019 Verdi 0 HVZ Meetjesland chooses EasyCAD/VERDI 22/07/201921/08/2019 Verdi 0 Verdi chooses Microsoft and Google 22/07/201921/08/2019 Verdi 0 Verdi : HR news 22/07/201921/08/2019 Verdi 0 Debocom becomes Verdi 22/07/201923/06/2020 Verdi 0