Fire departments VHP (Vesdre-Hoëgne & Plateau) and WAL (Warche-Amblève-Lienne) choose VERDI as their future interzonal alarming and dispatching solution.
Firefighting zones VHP and WAL are located in the province of Liège and are responsible for supporting 26 municipalities covering over 1 500 km2.
Over the past years, both departments were already working from a single physical location, but using a separate dispatching solution. In order to increase the service to the population and to work as a real interzonal dispatching, a public tender was launched with important accents such as:
- 1 central interzonal dispatching software used transparently by both zones. This means that the software as a whole behaves as if there is only one (virtual) fire department, but it can also simultaneously handle specific individual requirements for a zone, that does not apply to the other zone (specific guidance, a local emergency procedures,…)
- Particular attention to volunteers and their needs, since many stations operate only with volunteer staff. This means ao. ease of interaction with person availabilities, flexibility in the calculation and call of resources according to incident, different “on-call feedback” options,…
- Integrations with Track & Trace; Telephony; …
- Complete outsourcing of software and control peripherals
Verdi was chosen over all the other suppliers because they were the only ones who convinced us that they understood our business and our needs down to the smallest detail. Verdi isn’t just an “IT company” that wrote an alarm and dispatching software.
Verdi proved this knowledge during the demonstration, using scenarios specifically applied to the way we work. During the selection process, in addition to the detailed functionalities, special attention was also paid to the user experience, both from the point of view of dispatching and the end user. Again, VERDI software was the best choice for us
Frédéric Lex, responsible COSI