After the double… let’s go for the triple !!!
After the double... let's go for the triple !!!
After Fire Department Zone1 and Fire Department Fluvia earlier this year, the Fire Department Brandweer Westhoek is the 3th West Flemish fire brigade to select VERDI as its alarm and dispatching solution for the next coming years.
The Westhoek fire brigade is one of the 34 Belgian and one of the 4West Flemish emergency response zones. Westhoek provides fire services and the majority of ambulance services in the Westhoek in West Flanders, operating from 22 stations.
The protection area of the Westhoek Fire Brigade covers 1,187.25 km² and includes 18 municipalities, which together represent a population of approximately 220,000 inhabitants.
Westhoek fire brigade also borders with Fire Brigades : Zone 1, Midwest, Fluvia, Picardy Wallonia and France.
In the event of an incident, citizens contact the NC112, which in turn forwards everything to VERDI.
In a fraction of seconds, VERDI will:
· Interpret what happened (fire, accident, injuries….)
· Determine location-dependent actions
· Determine what resources are needed:
· Which people / competences (firefighter, medical, driver, …)
· What vehicle types (autopump, ladder, command center, …)
· Find who is available NOW with the right competences and calculate how quickly they can be on site
· Alert the Fastest possible Adequate Help via pager, smartphone, telephone …
· In order not to waste time, upon arrival in the station:
· Intervention info is played over the PA system using text2speech
· All relevant info will be displayed on info screens
· The correct gates are already open, the lights are on
· A scramble sheet with incident information is available in the vehicle
· To then guide everyone to the location of the incident (GPS control, track & trace, …)
Arrived at the incident, the persons on-site can :
· Take additional actions such as asking for reinforcement
· Consult environmental information via integrated map layers
· Share information with the central dispatch or others
The kick-off has already been given, the 1st sessions are planned and we have to say… the feeling of “1 TEAM” is very strong.
Loving it !!!